When a user attempts to sign in to Web Community Manager, that user is authenticated.
- If the user is found in Web Community Manager and flagged as an LDAP user, the user is authenticated against your LDAP Directory.
- If that user is found on the LDAP Directory and the sign in name and password match, the sign in is successful.
- If that user is not found in your LDAP Directory server or the sign in name and password do not match, the sign in fails.
- If that user is not found in your Web Community Manager website, but is found in your LDAP Directory, the user is added as an LDAP user within your Web Community Manager website. Additional information is passed from the LDAP Directory and saved in the user’s Web Community Manager user account.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Sign In Name
- Groups
* Groups can be created within your LDAP Directory and users assigned to them. During the implementation of LDAP, set up cross references between the groups in the LDAP directory to groups in your Web Community Manager website. If a user is assigned to a group on the LDAP Directory, then the user is assigned to the associated group in your Web Community Manager website.
- If that user is found in your Web Community Manager website and not marked as an LDAP user, the user is authenticated against the user database in Web Community Manager. If the sign in name and password match, the sign in is successful.
- If that user is not found in your Web Community Manager website or your LDAP Director server, or the sign in name and password do not match, the sign in fails.
* Web Community Manager only supports secure LDAP connection protocol.