Why use Community Engagement solution's messaging features?
COPE (Create Once Publish Everywhere) technology - Write your message once and select as many delivery options that are available to your district. Select phone messages, emails, your mobile site, your website, any RSS feeds, or social networks.
Check out which capabilities are available to you!
Send system messages based on your data - Monitor your import data from your Student Information System (SIS). Use your attendance system, cafeteria balance systems to trigger system messages concerning attendance, bus schedule changes, and low balances.
Pre-made messages for your teachers - With Finalsite's Mass Notifications services, teachers have access to the Teacher Messaging system for quick messaging, which administrators can monitor.
Anytime, anywhere - Administrators also have access to the Communications HQ mobile app, allowing messages to be sent from mobile devices.
TCPA Compliancy
Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) issued new rules for the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) to address the growing number of marketing calls. The Community Engagement solution follows TCPA regulations. Parents and students will be able to opt-out of non-emergency phone calls and text messages sent by the district or school.
Check out our TCPA Resources.